Welcome in! Have a cupcake and look around!
● She/Her
●Legend of Zelda fan
●Casual Super Mario Odyssey speed runner
●Variety streamer, both familiar and new games
●I have emote and badge commissions on Ko-fi!
●Depression and anxiety are here, but I'm learning to kick their butts ꕥ

Will draw: OC's, video game characters, animals, furriesWon't draw: Explicit NSFW, Mecha, Gore, Celebrities, NFT
I have the right to refuse any project.Please provide references for any characters/OCs. Facial expression examples are also helpful.
Emote and Badge commissions are accessible through Ko-fi. Any other commission type must be discussed through dms on Twitter or email at [email protected]
Project completion within 2 weeks. Any delays due to work/life will be notified immediately.Minor revisions included (simple resizing, shape adjustments, small color correction)
Water marked updates provided until final product completion.